I get a distance map output after using a Fast Marching Method. The PDE involved is the Eikonal equation which take the form : $$\begin{cases} c(x).|\nabla u| =1\\ u(x) =\phi(x) \end{cases} $$ where c is a speed function and u the unknown distance/time we compute. Below an example of a 2D distance map (in blue the inital points and in red the further points).
Given 2 points in the map I would like to show a simple/shortest path between them. I have tried using a naive algorithm which is not very good since I can have complicated problems with obstacles, multiple sources, different speeds.
find_path(point A, point B)
point current_point = B; // B is ending point
while(current_point is not A)
new_current_point is the the neighbor of current_point with the minimum value // I use a 5 point stencil
current_point = new_current_point
tag every current_point found to show the path
My data structure is an uni dimensional row major array (I am coding in C) representing distance values in a 2D regular grid. I think gradient descent might be a good solution but I have difficulties finding a simple algorithm. Thank you.
Edit I join an article Application of the fast marching method for outdoor motion planning in robotics (starting page 12) which use a gradient descent in order to compute that. I have already seen that other papers but I cannot see how it works.
Update I am trying to add a backtracking algorithm to my naïve one but I have troubles putting it in applications. I feel like I am doing a brute force and this is not what I want to do. If someone has an idea on how to change my naive algorithm.