I am trying to solve a large scale inverse problem using the Bayesian formulation. To estimate the Maximum a Posteriori Estimation (MAP) solution I will have to minimize the following objective function:
$F(m) = F_d + F_\text{prior} = \frac{(f(m) - d)^T(f(m) - d)}{\sigma^2} + \frac{(m - m_\text{prior})^T(m - m_\text{prior})}{\alpha^2} $
where d is the observed data, and $\sigma$ is the uncertainty in $d$. $m$ is the optimization parameter, $\alpha$ represents the confidence in prior.
In the current problem setup, the number of data points, $d$, are $O(n)$ whereas the number of parameters, $m$, are $O(n^2)$. Everything else is dimensionless, therefore order of magnitude of f(m) is same as m. This results to an objective function which is inherently biased towards the prior term($F_\text{prior}$), unless $\sigma << \alpha$, further resulting in poor convergence of $F_d$ in the optimization process.
In such a case can I scale $F_d$ and $F_\text{prior}$ by the number of terms they contain? From what I understand such scaling will change the interpretation of $\sigma$ and $\alpha$.
Note that I get better "match" between $f(m)$ and $d$ without the prior term. But I need to include the prior in order to get the bounds on the posterior solution.