I work on geological problems and I use the Finite Element Method. But this question can be applied on other classical mechanical problems.
I work on implicit 3D surfaces (which represent the limits between two geological layers aka two media).
I have to impose displacement on these surfaces (Dirichlet Condition). The condition that I impose on surfaces are transfered on the surrounding nodes. I make the assumption that I can use the " classical" way to apply Dirichlet Condition (penalty method in my case) on these nodes, that are NOT on the the boundaries.
My question is: do you think this assumption is valid? Have you got some references about the subject? As I understand the problem I try to apply Boundary Conditions not on the boundaries...
Thank you in advance.
We try to solve this problem: $$ \left\{ \begin{aligned} \sigma_{ij,j} + F_{i} &= 0 & &\text{in the domain $\Omega$}&\\ u_i&= q_{i}& &\text{on the boundary $\Gamma_{q}$}&\\ \sigma_{ij}n_{j} &= h_{i}& &\text{on the boundary $\Gamma_{h}$}&\\ u_i &= b_{i}& &\text{punctually in the domain $\Omega$}&\\ \end{aligned} \right. $$
We run the FEA on a mesh. We basically try to impose Dirichlet Condition on the nodes which are inside the domain $\Omega$ (fourth line). We constrain the displacement value of $u_i$ to $b_i$ for these nodes.