Let's say I have n variables. Each variable has lower and upper bounds. I want to find all suitable combinations of these variables to sum up to a required value.
An example with two variables:
$$ x_1 + x_2 = 100\\ 0 <= x_1 <= 70 \\ 0 <= x_2 <= 60 $$
So the result would look like
$$(x_1, x_2) \in \{(70, 30), (69.8, 30.2), \cdots\}$$
These variables could take integer and decimal values as given above. The perturbation values for each of these variables can be chosen according to the requirements. The perturbation values used here are Pert[X1,X2]=[0.2,0.2].
This problem of solving for two variables is comparatively simple than having n number of variables.
Is there an algorithm available in Python to solve such a problem ? It would be even more helpful, if a Python code using the algorithm to solve a similar problem could be provided.