I am using cvxpy to do a simple portfolio optimization.
I implemented the following dummy code
from cvxpy import *
import numpy as np
n = 10
Sigma = np.random.randn(n, n)
Sigma = Sigma.T.dot(Sigma)
orig_weight = [0.15,0.25,0.15,0.05,0.20,0,0.1,0,0.1,0]
w = Variable(n)
mu = np.abs(np.random.randn(n, 1))
ret = mu.T*w
lambda_ = Parameter(sign='positive')
lambda_ = 5
risk = quad_form(w, Sigma)
constraints = [sum_entries(w) == 1, w >= 0, sum_entries(abs(w-orig_weight)) <= 0.750]
prob = Problem(Maximize(ret - lambda_ * risk), constraints)
print 'Solver Status : ',prob.status
print('Weights opt :', w.value)
I am constraining on being fully invested, long only and to have a turnover of <= 75%. However I would like to use turnover as a "soft" constraint in the sense that the solver will use as little as possible but as much as necessary, currently the solver will almost fully max out turnover.
I basically want something like this which is convex and doesn't violate the DCP rules
sum_entries(abs(w-orig_weight)) >= 0.05
I would assume this should set a minimum threshold (5% here) and then use as much turnover until it finds a feasible solution.
I tried rewriting my objective function to
prob = Problem(Maximize(lambda_ * ret - risk - penalty * max(sum_entries(abs(w-orig_weight))+0.9,0)) , constraints)
where penalty is e.g. 2 and my constraint object still looks like
constraints = [sum_entries(w) == 1, w >= 0, sum_entries(abs(w-orig_weight)) <= 0.9]
I have never used soft-constraints and any explanation would be highly appreciated.