In $\mathbb{R}^n$, I would like to solve a Poisson equation (given $f$, solve for $u$):
$$\nabla^2 u = f$$
assuming Neumann boundary condition (i.e. $\partial u = 0$ at boundaries).
I solved it in spectral domain. Using the 3x3 Laplacian stencil (so Neumann boundary = symmetric boundary), DCT & IDCT will be good. So the direct solver is
$$ u_{\text{ours}} = \mathcal{IDCT}\{ \frac{\mathcal{DCT}\{ f \}}{\mathcal{DCT\{\nabla^2\} }} \}$$
Here is a test MATLAB code.
clc;close all;
% Solve for u from f: nabla^2 u = f
% (under Neumann boundary condition)
% for reproduction
% generate u
Udim = [256 256];
coeff = 0.2;
[~, X] = meshgrid(coeff*(1:Udim(2)),coeff*(1:Udim(1)));
u = sin(X);
% generate f
lambda = 2e1;
f = lambda*imfilter(u, fspecial('laplacian',0), 'symmetric');
% add Gaussian noise to f
noise_level = 1e-2;
f = f + noise_level*randn(size(f));
%%% Now solve for u from noisy f
% generate the DCT of f
numerator = dct2(f);
% generate the DCT denominator
[H,W] = size(f);
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:W-1,0:H-1);
denominator = 2*cos(pi*x/W) + 2*cos(pi*y/H) - 4;
denominator(1) = 1; % set DC to be 1; does not matter
% inversion in DCT domain
numerator = idct2( numerator./( lambda*denominator) );
% zero-mean normalization
u = u - min(u(:));
u_ours = numerator - min(numerator(:));
% show results
subplot(131);imshow(u, [],'i','f');colormap(jet);title('u (real)');
subplot(132);imshow(u_ours, [],'i','f');colormap(jet);title('u (ours)');
subplot(133);imshow(u - u_ours, [],'i','f');
colormap(jet); title('error');
- The denominator $\mathrm{DCT}\{\nabla^2\}$ is ill-condition. Below figure shows that near the origin, the values are close to zero.
- Increasing noise level (the
variable) leads to reconstruction artifacts. You may notice the artifacts are of low frequency: i.e. the consequence of almost-zero-division.
Figure: Left: noise_level = 1e-2; Right: noise_level = 1e-1
Figure: Error plots
- Why this happens? Is it because of the ill conditioning of the spectral method?
- If so, how to avoid it? What are other alternative methods for this issue?
- Any possible regularization suggestions?