I am trying to find interatomic distance considering periodic boundary conditions for hexagon cubic cells (graphite). I tried to follow the answers to these two questions here but am unable to get the right results
periodic boundary conditions for triclinic box
Minimum image convention for triclinic unit cell
My code, implementing the answer at first post is here
positions = initialConfig.get_positions()
nAtoms = positions.shape[0]
xMin = zMin = 0.0
xMax = LX
zMax = LZ
yCoord = positions[:,0:2]
u2 = UCell[1][0:2,]
modYPos = np.zeros((0,2))
for i in range(nAtoms):
currAtom = yCoord[i,:]
if currAtom[1]>LY:
modPos = currAtom -LY*u2
elif currAtom[1]<LY:
modPos = currAtom +LY*u2
modPos = currAtom
modYPos = np.vstack((modYPos, modPos))
xCoord = modYPos[:,0].reshape(-1,1)
xCoord = xCoord - xMax*np.rint(xCoord/xMax)
zCoord = positions[:,2].reshape(-1,1)
zCoord = zCoord - zMax*np.rint(zCoord/zMax)
app5rMat = np.zeros((nAtoms,coordinates))
app5rMat[:,0] = xCoord[:,0]
app5rMat[:,1] = yCoord[:,1]
app5rMat[:,2] = zCoord[:,0]
app5RIJ = app5rMat.reshape(nAtoms,1,coordinates)-app5rMat.reshape(1,nAtoms,coordinates)
app5Dist = np.linalg.norm(app5RIJ, axis =2 )
The code for the second post is
#S1 create A matrix
UCell = initialConfig.get_cell()
cellParams = initialConfig.get_cell_lengths_and_angles()
a = cellParams[0]
b = cellParams[1]
c = cellParams[2]
alpha= math.radians(90)#math.pi/2#math.radians(cellParams[3])
beta= math.radians(90)#math.pi/3#math.radians(cellParams[4])
gamma= math.radians(60)#math.pi/2#math.radians(cellParams[5])
A = UCell.T
#S2 Invert A to bet B
B = np.linalg.inv(A)
#S3 -- get fractional coordinates
positions = initialConfig.get_positions()
nAtoms = positions.shape[0]
fracCood = np.zeros((0,3))
for i in range(nAtoms):
currAtom = positions[i,:].reshape(-1,1)
fracCood = np.vstack((fracCood, np.dot(B,currAtom).T))
#s4 -- translate into reference cell
onesArray = np.ones((nAtoms,coordinates))
g = fracCood - np.rint(2*fracCood - onesArray)#np.floor(fracCood)
#s4-- translate into real space
realCood = np.zeros((0,3))
for i in range(nAtoms):
currAtom = g[i,:].reshape(-1,1)
realCood = np.vstack((realCood, np.dot(A,currAtom).T))
algoRij = g.reshape(nAtoms,1,coordinates)-g.reshape(1,nAtoms,coordinates)
secondPart = np.rint(2*algoRij.copy() - onesArray.reshape(nAtoms,1,coordinates))
algoRij = algoRij-secondPart
algoRijPer = algoRij #-np.rint(algoRij)
algoRijDis = np.linalg.norm(algoRijPer, axis =2 )