Let us assume that we have a function, $f(A)=\text{vec}(A^{-1})^\intercal B$, dependent on $A^{-1}$. However, due to some machine-precision limitations, the programming language I'm using cannot invert $A$ even if it has $Det(A)>0$. So, I'm thinking of using a pseudo-inverse, instead.
However, I don't know if there's a 'distance' relationship between the true inverse and the pseudo-inverse. I just know that when there's an inverse, both are equal. But it would be nice, that when the original matrix A and the 'perturbed/truncated' version of A are close, that the pseudo-inverse be close to the inverse of the original...
I'm also looking at pseudo-inverses for which there's a relatively easy and efficient way to compute.
Any suggestions?
Edit: $\dim(A)=DT\times DT$ and $\dim(B)=D^2T^2\times D^2$
Following Federico Poloni's comment, I think I could actually recompute the function above as $$\left[\cdots Tr\left(\text{LinearSolve}\left(A^\intercal, C_i \right) \right) \cdots \right]_{1\times i=1,...,D^2}$$ where $C_i=\text{Reshape}_{DT\times DT}\left(\text{Column}(B,i)\right)$