For solving linear system $$ Ax=b, $$ using iterative mehods, we often use the terminate criterion as follows: $$ \frac{\|r_k\|}{\|r_0\|}=\frac{\|b-Ax_k\|}{\|b-Ax_0\|}<eps. $$where $x_0$ is the initial guess and $x_k$ is the $k$-th step iterate.
My question is why do not we use the real terminate criterion instead as follows: because $$ \frac{\|x_k-x^*\|}{\|x_0-x^*\|}\leq k(A)\frac{\|r_k\|}{\|r_0\|} $$ where k(A) is the condition number. I want to ask that: Is there a case when the residual criterion satisfied but the condition number is so large that the k-th step iterate is still far from the real solution $x^*$?