I'm looking to solve numerically the following equation for $(d,d)$ variable $X$, in Einstein summation notation
Where $M$ is a $(d,d,d,d)$ 4th-moment tensor of random variable $(a,b)$ and admits representation in terms of 2nd and 1st moment tensors based on the Isserlis theorem
$$M_{ijkl}=E[a_i a_j b_k b_k]=AA_{ij}BB_{kl}+AB_{ik}AB_{jl}+AB_{il}AB_{jk}-2A_iA_jB_kB_l$$
relying on shorthand $AA=E[aa'],BB=E[bb'],AB=E[ab'],A=E[a],B=E[b]$
If my factorization only had the first term, an explicit solution is formed by inverting $AA$ and $BB$ matrices
However, the presence of $AB$ terms is complicating things, probably an iterative method is required. Is there a standard procedure for this kind of structured linear equation system? Any literature pointers appreciated!