In the center of a 2D-Plane a positive static charge Q is placed with position r_prime. This charge creates a static electrical Field E.
Now i want to place a test particle with charge Q and position vector r in this static E-Field and compute its trajectory using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method.
For the initial conditions
- Q = 1, r_prime=(0,0)
- q = -1, r = (9, 0), v = (0,0)
one would expect, that the negative charged test particle should move towards the positive charge in the center. Instead i get the following result for the time evolution of the test particles x component:
The results of the first iteration steps show the correct behavior, but then the particle is strangely repelled to infinity. There must be a major flaw in my implementation of the Runge-Kutta Method, but I checked it several times and I cant find any...
Could someone please take a quick look over my implementation and see if they can find a bug.
Computes the trajectory of a test particle with Charge q with position vector r = R[:2] in a
electrostatic field that is generated by charge Q with fixed position r_prime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def distance(r, r_prime, n):
computes the euclidean distance to the power n between position x and x_prime
return np.linalg.norm(r - r_prime)**n
def f(R, r_prime, q, Q):
The equations of motion for the particle is given by:
d^2/dt^2 r(t) = F = constants * q * Q * (r - r_prime)/||r - r_prime||^3
To apply the Runge-Kutta-Method we transform the above (constants are set to 1)
two dimensional second order ODE into four one dimensional ODEs:
d/dt r_x = v_x
d/dt r_y = v_y
d/dt v_x = q * Q * (r_x - r_prime_x)/||r - r_prime||^3
d/dt v_y = q * Q * (r_y - r_prime_y)/||r - r_prime||^3 '''
r_x, r_y = R[0], R[1]
v_x, v_y = R[2], R[3]
dist = 1 / distance(np.array([r_x, r_y]), r_prime, 3)
# Right Hand Side of the 1D Odes
f1 = v_x
f2 = v_y
f3 = q * Q * dist * (r_x - r_prime[0])
f4 = q * Q * dist * (r_y - r_prime[1])
return np.array([f1, f2, f3, f4], float)
# Constants for the Simulation
a = 0.0 # t_0
b = 10.0 # t_end
N = 100 # number of iterations
h = (b-a) / N # time step
tpoints = np.arange(a,b+h,h)
# Create lists to store the computed values
xpoints, ypoints = [], []
vxpoints, vypoints = [], []
# Initial Conditions
Q, r_prime = 1, np.array([0,0], float) # charge and position of particle that creates the static E-Field
q, R = -1, np.array([9,0,0,0], float) # charge and its initial position + velocity r=R[:2], v=[2:]
for dt in tpoints:
# Runge-Kutta-4th Order Method
k1 = dt * f(R, r_prime, q, Q)
k2 = dt * f(R + 0.5 * k1, r_prime, q, Q)
k3 = dt * f(R + 0.5 * k2, r_prime, q, Q)
k4 = dt * f(R + k3, r_prime, q, Q)
R += (k1 + 2*k2 * 2*k3 + k4)/6
plt.plot(tpoints, xpoints) # should converge to 0
Edit 09.02.2021
The equation of motion for the test particle with charge q and position vector r(t) is given by
$$\frac{d^2}{dt^2} \mathbf{r}(t) = \frac{\mathbf{F}}{m} = \frac{q\mathbf{E}}{m} = \frac{k}{m} \frac{q\cdot Q}{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}'|^3} \cdot (\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}') \qquad (1)$$
Charge Q generates an electrostatic field E and has a constant position r'. For simplicity we set the constant factor k, m equal to one.
Equation (1) is a two dimensional second order ODE. To apply Runge Kutta we transform it into four one dimensional ODEs:
$$\begin{align} \frac{d}{dt}r_x &= v_x \qquad &(2)\\\\ \frac{d}{dt}r_y &= v_y \qquad &(3)\\\\ \frac{d}{dt}v_x &= \frac{q\cdot Q}{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}'|^3} \cdot (r_x - r'_x) \qquad &(4) \\\\ \frac{d}{dt}v_y &= \frac{q\cdot Q}{|\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}'|^3} \cdot (r_y - r'_y) \qquad &(5) \end{align}$$
Except for the 1/6 factor I forgot in the last RK4 step (thanks for pointing it out Lutz), everything looks correct from my point of view.
I mean, the system behaves correctly at the beginning, the negative test charge is attracted by the positive one. But then the charge is repelled for reasons I don't understand.