consider the Purely hyperbolic model problem $$u_t+au_x=0$$ $$u(-1,t)=u(1,t) \text{ (periodic boundary)}$$ $$u(x,0)=f(x)$$
with $f(y)=\sin(2\pi y)$. Furthermore the exact solution is given by $u(x,t)=f(x-at)$. I have implemented Forward–time backward–space (see page 1: ) on a uniform grid in time and space and the figure demonstrates my results with certain values of dt, dx and a.
MY QUIESTION: How can I construct a test/example to demonstrate the order of convergence? In theory the order of convergance should be 1 in time and 1 in space, right?
I am using the FDM book by LeVeque and this problem is from chapter 10. I am using Python and I will be happy to share my code if needed. Thanks