So I recently learned about Polynomial Chaos Expansion (aka PCE), and it seemed to me that its purpose was to propagate uncertainty from the inputs to the outputs more efficiently (via closed-form moments). But I am no longer sure that makes sense (only considering a non-intrusive case)...
Given: $Y=\eta(X)$ s.t. $\eta(.)$ is the Physical model. We have PCE: $$Y\approx \tilde Y = \sum^p_{j=0}y_j\psi_j(\Xi) \approx \eta (X \approx \tilde X = \sum^p_{i=0}x_i\psi_i(\Xi))$$
& the moments are:
- $E[\tilde Y]=y_0$
- $Var(\tilde Y)=\sum^p_{i=0}y_i^2||\psi_i||_2- y_0^2$
But these moments are constants once a PCE is fit! And the non-intrusive fitting process requires Monte-Carlo sampling-based uncertainty propagation through $\eta(.)$ anyway. So why not just compute the moments directly from the sample attained from Monte-Carlo & fit some other kind of surrogate? What is the advantage of the closed-form moments in the non-intrusive case?
P.S. Non-intrusive is most commonly used in practice...