I am trying to solve a PDE similar to the advection-diffusion equation:
$$ \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} + (\vec{u} \cdot \nabla)T = D \Delta T $$
(where $\vec{u}$ is a known advecting vector field) with some boundary conditions on a domain bounded by two intersecting curves $h(x)$ and $b(x)$ (for example parabolas, but could be something else):
I also know that $h(x) = a b(x) + c$, with $a$ and $c$ real constants.
Boundary conditions can be written as follows:
- $f(T, \vec{\nabla}T) = 0$ on $h$
- $g(T, \vec{\nabla}T) = 0$ on $b$
As I am fine solving it on a square/rectangular domain, I first tried to find a mapping from this domain to a rectangular one, without success.
Hence, what approaches would you recommend? I'm fairly new to this, and the number of existing approaches is confusing.