I would like to know if there are any similar theorems related to the mass lumping finite element method:
For any function $\boldsymbol{u} \in H^m_{per}(\Omega)$ $$ \|I_h e^{\tau \Delta} \boldsymbol{u} - e^{\tau \Delta_h} I_h \boldsymbol{u}\| \leq C h^m |u|_m. $$ where $I_h$ is the grid interpolation operator, $\Delta$ is the Laplace operator, and $\Delta_h$ is its discrete form (in particular, $e^{\tau \Delta_h}$ is an exponential matrix). Here, $h$ is the grid size. The above theorem can be easily applied to the finite difference method or the spectral method.
I would like to know if there are any relevant papers that provide proofs for finite element functions. It would be great if you could provide links to the papers. Thank you in advance!