In practice, the runtime of numerically solving an IVP $$ \dot{x}(t) = f(t, x(t)) \quad \text{ for } t \in [t_0, t_1] $$ $$ x(t_0) = x_0 $$ is often dominated by the duration of evaluating the right-hand side (RHS) $f$. Let us therefore assume that all other operations are instant (i.e. without computational cost). If the overall runtime for solving the IVP is limited then this is equivalent to limiting the number of evaluations of $f$ to some $N \in \mathbb{N}$.
We are only interested in the final value $x(t_1)$.
I'm looking for theoretical and practical results that help me choose the best ODE method in such a setting.
If, for example, $N = 2$ then we could solve the IVP using two explicit Euler steps of width $(t_1 - t_0)/2$ or one step of width $t_1 - t_0$ using the midpoint method. It is not immediately clear to me which one is preferrable. For larger $N$, one can of course also think about multi-step methods, iterated Runge-Kutta schemes, etc.
What I'm looking for are results similar to the ones that exist, for example, for quadrature rules: We can pick $n$ weights $\{w_i\}$ and associated points $\{x_i\}$ such that the quadrature rule $\sum_{i = 1}^n w_i g(x_i)$ is exact for all polynomials $g$ such that $deg(g) \le 2n - 1$.
Hence I'm looking for upper or lower bounds on the global accuracy of ODE methods, given a limited number of allowed evaluations of the RHS $f$. It's OK if the bounds only hold for some classes of RHS or pose additional constraints on the solution $x$ (just like the result for the quadrature rule which only holds for polynomials up to a certain degree).
EDIT: Some background information: This is for hard real-time applications, i.e. the result $x(t_1)$ must be available before a known deadline. Hence the limit on the number of RHS evaluations $N$ as the dominating cost factor. Typically our problems are stiff and comparatively small.
EDIT2: Unfortunately I don't have the precise timing requirements, but it is safe to assume that $N$ will be rather small (definitely <100, propably closer to 10). Given the real-time requirement we have to find a tradeoff between the accuracy of the models (with better models leading to longer execution times of the RHS and hence to a lower $N$) and the accuracy of the ODE method (with better methods requiring higher values of $N$).