I use matlab/fortran to deal with some large eigenvalue problem (FEM type).
For example, I use spalloc and eigs to declare and solve the problem in Matlab,
could anyone give some advice on how can I do it in Fortran? any routine like spalloc/eigs?
If your matrices are dense, then LAPACK is the way to go. If they are sparse, then ARPACK is often better suited.
There is no standard equivalent of spalloc: LAPACK only supports dense matrices and ARPACK lets you store the data however you like, you just compute the action $A x$ for it.
You may also want to check out this stackoverflow question.
If you don't need (distributed memory) parallelization, LAPACK or ARPACK depending on the sparsity of your problems are good choices, as already answered by Max Hutchinson.
Large parallel eigenvalue solvers are a topic for ongoing research. For sparse problems, check out e.g. SLEPc, for dense problems ELPA could be interesting for you if the old workhorse ScaLAPACK doesn't cut it. The ELPA wiki contains links to a few other parallel eigensolvers as well.