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Sparse linear solver in fortran working with REAL16

I need some (direct) sparse linear solver for fortran, which works with REAL16 data type. Any suggestions? Both Pardiso and MUMPS support only REAL8. (identical question: https://math.stackexchange....
Vítězslav Štembera's user avatar
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Windows Fortran compiler for legacy Finite Element (1980) code?

The version of Fortran used comes from Montreal Ecole Polytechnique in 1980. I need a compiler for Fortran for Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Daniel Bedard's user avatar
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Compute outward normal and surface area for 8 noded brick element in FEA

I have a cube which is divided into 8 small cubes by bisecting each edge, I am trying to find out the surface area of each of the faces and the corresponding outward normals for them. This operation ...
Schneider's user avatar
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2 answers

Analytical testing/quality control for scientific software in professional setting

I am charged with maintaining a buildserver on Teamcity which is meant to test our in house FE software. Currently our test suite consists of a list of benchmarks which run every time a commit is made ...
user32882's user avatar
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Meshing options to generate number of the sides of and element (tetgen-triangle)

I wrote a finite element code in fortran 90. This code is really fast, except the meshing process. I used triangle and tetgen for meshing in 2D and 3D, respectively, so this process is fast, of ...
yemino's user avatar
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7 votes
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Finite element library in fortran

I want to create a finite element code in fortran. There are many libraries out there on internet. Can someone suggest me a good finite element library in fortran? I am looking for Ease of use (...
343_458's user avatar
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4 votes
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Efficently invert tiny matrix in Fortran

I have a piece of code in Fortran90 in which I have to solve both a non-linear (with the Newton-Raphson method, for which I have to invert the Jacobian matrix) and a linear system of equations. When I ...
user2078621's user avatar
4 votes
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Finite element mesh software

I'm looking for a program to obtain meshes to finite element codes 2D and 3D as complete as possible, preferably in fortran 90 or C/C++. For example, softwares "Triangle" or "TetGen" generate meshes ...
yemino's user avatar
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