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3 answers

How to begin writing scientific codes in C++ in Trilinos or PETSC style?

My background: I have taken some courses on numerical analysis during my PhD and read a few books on the topic as well. I mostly work on low Reynolds number fluid mechanics and use boundary element ...
Debasish Das's user avatar
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Dealing with non-physical negative ODE solutions using ODEPACK

Hi and thank you all again. I am solving the reaction-diffusion-advection equation as follows $ \partial_{t} n\left(t,z\right) = -\partial_{z}\left(\Phi\left(t,z\right)\right) + p\left(t,z\right) -n\...
Juan Luis Gómez González's user avatar
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implicit method (crank-Nicolson) I not understand the procedure [closed]

I'm trying to understand the passage through this equation can be written for easily solved with the fortran alghorithm in particular i don't understood the meaning of L_x and L_xx ... what (-1,0,1) ...
Marco Ghiani's user avatar
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Algorithm for face based data-structure - CFD

Good morning I'm trying to develop an unstructured CFD code to solve Euler equations in a finite-volume (cell-centered) context (learning purposes). I was able to build from a cgns file some basic ...
LM_O's user avatar
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derivative of an array

Hi I am trying to take a derivative of an array but am having trouble. The array is two dimensional, $x$ and $y$ directions. I would like to take a derivative along $x$ and along $y$ using central ...
AppleblueberryCrumb's user avatar
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How do I program periodic boundary conditions? [duplicate]

Hi I have a code below that solves non linear coupled PDE's given Dirichlet boundary conditions. However I need to implement periodic boundary conditions. The periodic boundary conditions are ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Parallel 2d heat equation (implicit timestepping) using MPI

I am trying to solve the time dependent heat equation with backward euler timestepping and second order space finite differences. This results in a Poisson system needing to be inverted. In serial ...
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