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Analytical testcase for 2D/3D anisotropic Diffusion (Heat Kernel)

I want to verify and compare different Discretizations of the anisotropic diffusion equation in 2D / 3D. In order to both test the timestepping and the spatial discretisations I had a look at using ...
mpichael's user avatar
8 votes
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Computing geodesic distances with diffusion

I am trying to solve an APSP (All-Pair Shortest Path) problem on a weighted graph. This graph is actually a 1, 2 or 3 dimensional grid, and the weights on each edge represent the distance between its ...
matthieu's user avatar
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Solving the diffusion/heat equation for a randomly distributed set of points in 3D

In this problem I am trying to solve, I have a messy set of points distributed in 3D space, each with a defined temperature. If I would want to calculate the heat transfer scenario in this system, how ...
Vinícius Godim's user avatar