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2 answers

Source for scalability challenge for number of finite element nodes per process

Context In distributed simulation of a finite element mesh with $N$ nodes and $P$ processes, a professor stated to me that "achieving good scaling for more than 25,000 finite element nodes per ...
0 votes
2 answers

PhD in scientific computing to be a scientific programmer

Intro and disclaimer: this question concerns developing a career in Scientific Computing in industry, starting from an (applied) mathematics background, say an MSc. It definitely arises from my ...
1 vote
0 answers

How do the current FEM opensource libraries compare?

Almost all FEM libraries are good enough, but I want to start with a FEM package and stick to it for some time. Instead of trying all of them, or going with what everyone else is using, I want to ...
6 votes
1 answer

Working with large mesh files

I am working on some medium to large scale finite element codes. By using established and available tools I am able to have an algorithm that scales well up to about 10,000 cores. Investigating ...
8 votes
2 answers

Shape regularity in higher dimensions

In Finite Element theory, and other methods in scientific computing for PDEs, one uses meshes which fulfill several regularity criteria, many of them being equivalent. It is of interest to have ...