I have a PDE that I'm trying to solve with spectral methods. The solution $y$ is always positive, and decays as $y \propto e^{-ax}$ for large $x$. The domain is $[0, \infty)$. (There are actually two independent variables but let's not worry about that right now.)
Unfortunately, although whatever numerical solution I obtain (using the Galerkin method) seems to have good absolute accuracy, it has poor relative accuracy towards larger $x$ due to the large dynamic range of the solution (coming from the exponential decay). I'm wondering how best to improve the relative accuracy of my solution. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Example test problem
This is not the actual PDE I'm trying to solve (which is actually 2d), but it illustrates the difficulty I'm having:
$$(1 + e^{-x})y' = -y + 2xe^{-x},\quad y(0) = 0.$$
The analytic solution is $x^2/(1+e^x)$ (plotted as dashed red below), which is always positive. However, solving this with a Laguerre function basis set (recombined so that each basis function is $0$ at $x = 0$) of order 20 yields the blue curve below, which diverges from the analytic solution (and even becomes negative) when it becomes small.
What I've tried/considered
- I considered making the transformation $y = e^{-A(x)}$ and then solving for $A$. This would probably work, but unfortunately makes the equations nonlinear, which I was hoping not to deal with.
- I tried using Laguerre functions as a basis set, which have exponential decay built in. This didn't really work, though, as you can see above -- solutions still have low relative accuracy towards larger $x$.
- I'm planning to substitute $y = e^{-ax} z$ and then solve for $z$. I don't know $a$ a priori, but can estimate it. I think this will work all right, but I'm wondering if there's a more general method that I'm unaware of.