The Task
Let $z_1, z_2, z_3$ be positive real numbers and define
$$ r(\mathbf{z}):= \int_0 ^\infty (t+z_1)^{-3/2}(t+z_2)^{-3/2}(t+z_3)^{-1/2}\text{d}t. $$
The task is to compute $r$ numerically in an efficient way. Absolute error on the order of $10^{-8}$ is acceptable.
Attempts at a Solution
In the notation of DLMF 19.16, $r$ can be related to the general multivariate hypergeometric function $$ R_{-a}(\mathbf{b};\mathbf{z} ) := \frac{1}{B(a,a')}\int_0^\infty t^{a'-1} \prod_{j=1}^n (t+z_j)^{-b_j}\ \text{d}t, $$ where $B$ is the beta function and $a'=-a+\sum_{j=1}^nb_j$, under the restrictions that $a,a' > 0$ and $z_j \in \mathbb{C}\setminus (-\infty,0]$, by $$ r(\mathbf{z})= \frac{2}{5}R_{-\frac{5}{2}}\left( \frac{3}{2}, \frac{3}{2}, \frac{1}{2} ; \mathbf{z} \right). $$ There is a generalized series representation of $R_{-a}$, but I would guess that it's more expensive to compute than using a canned routine on the indefinite integral above (which is currently too expensive). The DLMF lists several special cases of $R_{-a}$, many of which permit inexpensive recursive evaluations through addition theorems, but the integral here is not one of them. I can, however, rearrange $r$ into two forms that are special cases, when $z_1 = z_2$ and when $z_1 \ne z_2$, as follows.
Case 1: $z_1 = z_2$
Assuming we can pass the limit through the integral, $$ \lim_{z_2 \to z_1} r(\mathbf{z})= \int_0 ^\infty (t+z_1)^{-3}(t+z_3)^{-1/2}\text{d}t $$ which we can rewrite in DLMF 19 notation as $R_{-\frac{5}{2}}\left( 3,\frac{1}{2};z_1,z_3\right)$ and identify with the Gauss series $\,_2F_1(a,b;c;z)$: $$ R_{-a}\left(b_1,b_3;z_1,z_3\right) = z_3^{-a}\ _2F_1\left(a,b_1;b_1+b_3;1-(z_1/z_3)\right) $$ for which there exist recurrence relations.
Case 2: $z_1 \ne z_2$
When $z_1 \ne z_2$ we can express $r$ as $$ r=\frac{\chi_1-\chi_2}{z_2-z_1} $$ where \begin{eqnarray} \chi_1&:=&\int_0^\infty \frac{1}{(t+z_1)\sqrt{(t+z_2)(t+z_3)}}dt \\ \chi_2&:=&\int_0^\infty \frac{1}{(t+z_2)\sqrt{(t+z_1)(t+z_3)}}dt \end{eqnarray} are elliptic integrals corresponding to the special case $R_D(x,y,z)$ in DLMF 19 notation (up to a constant), for which there is another recurrence relation. (See this question for details).
Splitting the Cases Is Unstable
In principle one could use the first method when $z_1 = z_2$ and the second when $z_1 \ne z_2$; however, in practice I need to compute the integral over a discretization of $z_2$ in which $z_2 \to z_1$, and the method above becomes unstable when $z_2 \simeq z_1$. Is there a way to reduce the integral to a form for which there exists a relatively inexpensive recurrence, as there is for each of the two cases?