I'm trying to solve
\begin{equation}\left\{ \begin{split} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+(u\cdot\nabla)u-\nu\Delta u+\frac1\rho\nabla p&=f\;\;\;\text{in }\Lambda\\ u&=0\;\;\;\text{on }\partial\Lambda\\ \nabla\cdot u&=0\;\;\;\text{in }\Lambda \end{split}\right.\tag1 \end{equation}
on $\Lambda=(0,a)\times(0,b)$. Let
\begin{equation} \begin{split}\mathfrak a(u,v)&:=\sum_{i=1}^d\langle\nabla u_i,\nabla v_i\rangle_{L^2}\\ \mathfrak b(u,q)&:=-\langle\nabla\cdot u,q\rangle_{L^2}\\ \mathfrak c(u,v,w)&:=\langle(u\cdot\nabla)v,\cdot w\rangle_{L^2} \end{split} \end{equation}
for $u,v\in V:=H_0^1(\Lambda,\mathbb R^2)$ and $q\in\Pi:=\left\{p\in L^2(\Lambda):\int p=0\right\}$. Now, let
\begin{equation} \begin{split}\tilde{\mathfrak a}(u,v)&:=\langle u,v\rangle_{L^2}+\Delta t\nu\mathfrak a(u,v)+\Delta t\mathfrak c(u^0,u,v)\\ \tilde{\mathfrak b}(v,q)&:=\frac{\Delta t}\rho\mathfrak b(v,q) \end{split} \end{equation}
for $u,v\in V$ and $q\in\Pi$. $u^0$ is the approximate solution of the previous time step and $\Delta t$ is the elappsed time. I've chosen a Taylor-Hood pair for the finite element discretization. Now, I'm left with a system $$\left(\begin{matrix}A&B^T\\B&0\end{matrix}\right)\left(\begin{matrix}u\\p\end{matrix}\right)=\left(\begin{matrix}f\\0\end{matrix}\right)\tag2$$ where
\begin{equation} \begin{split} a_{ij}&=\tilde{\mathfrak a}(\phi_i,\phi_l)\\ b_{ij}&=\tilde{\mathfrak b}(\phi_j,\psi_i) \end{split} \end{equation}
and $(\phi_i)$ and $(\psi_i)$ are bases of the finite dimensional subspaces of $V$ and $\Pi$, respectively.
My idea was to solve
\begin{equation} \left\{\begin{split} BA^{-1}B^Tp&=BA^{-1}f\\ Au&=f-B^Tp\;. \end{split}\right.\tag3 \end{equation}
However, I've got several problems with $(3)$:
- I'm trying to solve the linear equations using the GMRES method. As a first step, the right-hand side of the first equation, $BA^{-1}f$, has to be computed. I've assembled $A$ and $B$; hence I'm trying to find a solution $Ax=f$ (using the GMRES method) and then compute $Bx$. However, the GMRES method for $Ax=f$ converges extremely slowly (most probably due to the undesirable eigenvalue distribution of $A$). Can we accelerate the convergence by a preconditioner? If so, which one should I use?
- The same question applies to the invocation of the GMRES method for $BA^{-1}B^Tp=BA^{-1}f$. Which preconditioner can I use here?