I am solving the initial value problem $$ \frac{d}{dt} (E C_g) = -\delta, \quad E(0) = E_0, $$ for $E$, where $E$ and $C_g$ are functions of $t$, $C_g$ is completely known, and $\delta$ is a function of $E$. Using the following first order approximations for derivatives, \begin{align*} \frac{d}{dt} (E C_g) = E' C_g + E C_g', \\ E' \approx \frac{E_i - E_{i-1}}{\Delta t}, \quad C_g' \approx \frac{C_{gi} - C_{gi-1}}{\Delta t}, \end{align*} we end up with the following finite difference scheme to step forward in time \begin{align*} E_i = \frac{-\delta_{i-1} \Delta t + 2E_{i-1} C_{gi-1} - E_{i-1}C_{gi}}{C_{gi-1}}. \end{align*}
When I implement this in MATLAB, I test my code by solving this IVP with a specific $E$, which leads to a specific right-hand side, and then can compute my error by comparing my computed solution to my true solution using
error = norm(E_computed - E_true).
I can then refine the grid spacing and save the spacing values in "spacingArray" and the error values in "errorArray", then I can estimate the order of convergence using
order = (log(errorArray(3)) - log(errorArray(6)))/(log(spacingArray(3)) - log(spacingArray(6))),
but when I do this, I get order $\approx 0.5$, instead of order $\approx 1$ (this can also be seen by looking at a log-log plot of spacing against error). Does this mean that there is something wrong with the way that I have implemented the finite difference scheme in MATLAB, or could there be something else wrong?
Since my problem is a little more nuanced than I originally explained, here is the exact MATLAB code I run:
%% Wave-energy model verification code for d/dx (E*C_g) = -delta
% To verify the model, we apriori choose H, h, and sigma;
% since d/dx (E*C_g) + delta = err, where err is some error.
% We obtain an analytical formula for err by determining
% d/dx (E*C_g) + delta (by using Mathematica or pencil/paper).
% Then, we solve the differential equation d/dx (E*C_g) = -delta + err,
% where the delta and err depend on our apriori chosen values of H, h,
% and sigma.
% 7/2/2017 9:38 AM
%% Loop indices
start = 3; jump = 8;
%% Initial arrays for testing
errorArray = zeros(jump, 1);
dxArray = zeros(jump, 1);
numPointArray = zeros(jump, 1);
for kk = start:(start + jump)
%% Set up the "mesh"
domain = [0,10];
numPoint = 2^kk;
numPointArray(kk - start + 1) = numPoint;
x = linspace(domain(1), domain(2), numPoint);
dx = (domain(2) - domain(1))/(numPoint - 1);
dxArray(kk - start + 1) = dx;
%% Physical parameters
rho = 1000; % water density
g = 9.8; % gravity
gam = .78; % ?
rms = .707; % root-mean square constant
B = 1; % energy dissipation parameter
%% Apriori choices for h, H, and sigma:
h = @(x) 50 - x;
h = h(x);
h_prime = @(x) -1*ones(size(x));
h_prime = h_prime(x);
sigma = @(x) 2*ones(size(x));
sigma = sigma(x); f = sigma/(2*pi);
Ha = @(x) cos(x) + 5; % Ha = "analytical height"
Ha = Ha(x);
Ha_prime = @(x) -sin(x);
Ha_prime = Ha_prime(x);
%% Solving for wavenumber via the "linear" dispersion relation
dispersionRelation = @(k) sigma.^2 - g.*k.*tanh(k.*h);
k = ones(size(x)); % random initial guess for iterative solver
k = fsolve(dispersionRelation, k);
%% Off-shore boundary conditions
H = zeros(size(x)); E = zeros(size(x)); H_rms = zeros(size(x));
H(1) = 6; % offshore wave height determines H_rms(1) and E(1)
H_rms(1) = rms*H(1);
E(1) = (1/8)*rho*g*H_rms(1).^2;
R = zeros(size(x)); delta = zeros(size(x));
H_b = gam*h;
R(1) = H_b(1)/H_rms(1);
%% Group Celerity
c = sigma./k;
C_g = (c/2).*(1 + (2*k.*h)/(sinh(2*k.*h)));
%% Energy flux, F = E*C_g
F = zeros(size(x));
F(1) = E(1)*C_g(1); % boundary condition
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% The analytical formulae (plural) for d/dx (E*C_g) from Mathematica
% using shallow water approximation for wavenumber:
theta1 = 2*sigma.*sqrt(h)/sqrt(g);
shallowFluxDerivative = (1/16)*rho*g^(3/2)*(rms)^2*(Ha.^2.*(2.*sigma.*csch(theta1).* ...
h_prime/sqrt(g) + h_prime./(2*sqrt(h)) - 2*sigma.^2.*coth(theta1).* ...
csch(theta1).*sqrt(h).*h_prime/g) + 2*(sqrt(h) + 2*sigma.*csch(theta1).*h/sqrt(g)).* ...
% using the deep water approximation for wavenumber:
theta2 = 2*h.*sigma.^2/g;
deepFluxDerivative = (1/16)*rho*g^2./sigma.*(rms)^2.*(Ha.^2.* (2*sigma.^2.*csch(theta2).*h_prime/g - ...
4*sigma.^4.*coth(theta2).*csch(theta2).*h.*h_prime/(g^2) ) + 2*(1 + 2*sigma.^2.*csch(theta2).*h/g).* ...
%% Analytical formula for delta
Ha_rms = rms*Ha;
Ra = H_b./Ha_rms;
deltaAnalytic = (1./(4.*h)).*B.*rho.*g.*(sigma./(2.*pi)).*Ha_rms.^3.*( (Ra.^3 + 1.5.*Ra).*exp(-Ra.^2) + 0.75.*sqrt(pi).*(1 - erf(Ra)));
%% Analytical "err" formula, d/dx(flux) + delta = err
shallowError = shallowFluxDerivative + deltaAnalytic;
deepError = deepFluxDerivative + deltaAnalytic;
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Solve the ODE via finite differences
for ii = 2:length(x)
F(ii) = -delta(ii - 1)*dx + F(ii - 1); % finite difference formula
% to compute new flux
% determine which regime we are in, then add the approriate error
if h < 0.05*2*pi./k(ii) % shallow
F(ii) = F(ii) + dx*shallowError(ii);
elseif h > 0.5*2*pi./k(ii) % deep
F(ii) = F(ii) + dx*deepError(ii);
else % default to deep?...
F(ii) = F(ii) + dx*deepError(ii);
E(ii) = F(ii)./C_g(ii); % compute new energy from flux
H(ii) = sqrt(8./(rho*g)*E(ii))/rms; % compute height from energy
H_rms(ii) = rms*H(ii);
delta(ii) = 1/(4*h(ii))*B*rho*g*f(ii)*H_rms(ii)^3*(R(ii)^3 + (3/2)*R(ii))*exp(-R(ii)^2) + ...
(3/4)*sqrt(pi)*(1 - erf(R(ii))); % compute new delta
%% post processing
error = norm(H - Ha); % difference between computed and true solution
errorArray(kk - start + 1) = error;
%% create a log-log plot
figure(), loglog(dxArray, errorArray), title('log-log plot of error against spacing')
axis equal, xlabel('log(dx)'), ylabel('log(norm(abs(H - H_a)))')
%% determine the slope of the log-log graph
% this should match with the theoretical order of convergence
order = (log(errorArray(jump)) - log(errorArray(1)))/(log(dxArray(jump)) - log(dxArray(1)))
For some reason, I can't save and upload the plot, so here is the outputted order of convergence: 0.512087039390502.
One thing that is interesting is that it looks like the order of convergence is a little bit better for the first refinement, and in fact I can compute
order = (log(errorArray(2)) - log(errorArray(1)))/(log(dxArray(2)) - log(dxArray(1)))
which produces $\text{order} \approx 0.629469265412451$, which is at least a little closer...