I have a somewhat large (20+ dimensional) root finding problem that I'm solving with Levenberg-Marquardt. One of the functions has box constraints on [0, 2]. When it is against those bounds it will not be able to find a zero of the function. Leaving that in the solution and letting the optimizer try to find a minimum does not find a good solution for the rest of the problem.
I've tried a few different techniques to insert zeros into that function, the most naive being:
if ( y0[m] <= 0 || y0[m] >= 2 )
z[n] = 0
z[n] = H0tf
(where y0[m] is the independent variable that is bounded, z[n] is the zero function being produce, and H0tf is a somewhat complicated function).
I've also tried less naive ways of introducing those zeros, with various potentials introduced near 0 and 2 so that the function becomes smooth and not discontinuous.
The overall difficulty of all of those approaches is that now in the non-bounded case the optimizer needs to solve a global optimization problem where there may be a zero at 0 and 2 and also the correct 0 in H0tf somewhere in the [0, 2] range, which gets very 'hacky' trying to solve that with a local optimizer.
Is there a better way to handle somehow deleting this function from consideration of the optimizer when it is at its bounds? And what do you call such a technique?