I am trying to simulate a 3D Ising spin system (+1 & -1) using Monte Carlo Metropolis Algorithm. I want to get different physical quantities from this simulation like magnetization, Average Energy, Susceptibility, Specific Heat. I have used exactly similar code for 2 dimension that gives perfect result but for 3D it fails. The magnetization curve is quite noisy. In spite of increasing trials it always shows sudden valleys. I have made all the required modifications for 3D but can't find out what is going wrong. The specific heat also does not show the discontinuity in the right manner.
The following code simulates for a 3d Ising spin system 5x5x5 with 1250 Monte Carlo steps (excluding 2000 steps to let the system reach equilibrium). Currently, it only calculates magnetization.Below is the plot I am currently getting from the code.
# cost change in energy
# J spin coupling constant, will be normalised
# spin_states 3D array, the lattice
# M total magnetisation of the lattice
# m magnetisation per spin { m = M / (N * N * N) }
# N size of the lattice
from numpy.random import rand
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time # for timing
def initialise(N):
''' generates a random spin spin_statesuration for initial condition'''
spin_states = np.random.choice([1, -1], size=(N, N,N))
return spin_states
def calcMag(spin_states):
'''Magnetization of a given spin_statesuration'''
mag = abs(np.sum(spin_states))
return mag
def calcEnergy(spin_states):
'''Energy of a given spin_statesuration'''
energy = 0
for i in range(len(spin_states)):
for j in range(len(spin_states)):
for k in range(len(spin_states)) :
s = spin_states[i,j,k]
energy += -s*find_neighbours(spin_states,N,i,j,k)
return energy/8.
def find_neighbours(spin_states,N,x,y,z):
left =spin_states[x,(y-1)%N,z]
right =spin_states[x,(y+1)%N,z]
top =spin_states[(x-1)%N,y,z]
bottom =spin_states[(x+1)%N,y,z]
front =spin_states[x,y,(z+1)%N]
back =spin_states[x,y,(z-1)%N]
return (tot_spin)
def mcmove(spin_states, beta):
'''Monte Carlo move using Metropolis algorithm '''
x = np.random.randint(0, N)
y = np.random.randint(0, N)
z = np.random.randint(0, N)
s = spin_states[x, y, z]
cost = 2*s*find_neighbours(spin_states,N,x,y,z)
if cost < 0:
s *= -1
elif rand() < np.exp(-cost*beta):
s *= -1
spin_states[x, y,z] = s
return spin_states
nt = 80 # number of temperature points
N = 5 # size of the lattice, size x size
eqSteps = 2000 # number of MC sweeps for equilibration
mcSteps = 1250 # number of MC sweeps for calculation
spin_states = initialise(N)
m = calcMag(spin_states)
print ("m =", m)
#k = mcSteps * N * N * N
dataM = []
T = np.linspace(1, 7, nt)
E,M,C,X = np.zeros(nt), np.zeros(nt), np.zeros(nt), np.zeros(nt)
n1, n2 = 1.0/(mcSteps*N*N*N), 1.0/(mcSteps*mcSteps*N*N*N)
for tt in range(nt):
E1 = M1 = E2 = M2 = 0
spin_states = initialise(N)
iT=1.0/T[tt]; iT2=iT*iT; # inverse temperature for beta
for i in range(eqSteps): # equilibrate
mcmove(spin_states, iT) # Monte Carlo moves
for i in range(mcSteps):
mcmove(spin_states, iT)
Ene = calcEnergy(spin_states) # calculate the energy
Mag = calcMag(spin_states) # calculate the magnetisation
E1 = E1 + Ene
M1 = M1 + Mag
M2 = M2 + Mag*Mag
E2 = E2 + Ene*Ene
E[tt] = n1*E1
M[tt] = n1*M1
C[tt] = (n1*E2 - n2*E1*E1)*iT2
X[tt] = (n1*M2 - n2*M1*M1)*iT
plt.title('3D Ising Model')
Please can anybody help me to find out what is going wrong? As far as I can think, the metropolis algorithm is really doing not much change. I have done the simulation for diff. lattice sizes with diff no. of steps. It never changes much from the initial value. I am new to simulation and this is my second simulation project. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.