I am trying to solve the following problem nuemrically:
$$u_t = \Delta u + \sin t$$
To that effect I scanned the documentation of FreeFEM, the closest example I can find to my problem is the Thermal diffusion problem.
I am trying to modify the existing tutorial code to solve my problem instead of the one in the example.
My current biggest problem is that I don't know how to introduce the $\sin t$ part into the equation.
I tried this:
// Parameters
func u0 = 10. + 90.*x/6.;
real ue = 25.;
real alpha=0.25;
real T=5.;
real dt=0.1 ;
// Define mesh boundary
border C(t=-pi, pi){x=cos(t) -1/(1 + 4 * t * t); y=sin(t);}
// The triangulated domain Th is on the left side of its boundary
mesh Th = buildmesh(C(100));
// Fespace
fespace Vh(Th, P1);
Vh u=u0, v, uold, t;
// Problem
problem thermic(u, v)
= int2d(Th)(
+ 1.0 *(
dx(u) * dx(v)
+ dy(u) * dy(v)
- int2d(Th)(
// + int1d(Th)(
// t
// )
+ int1d(Th, 1, 3)(
- int1d(Th, 1, 3)(
+ on(3, 4, u=u0)
// Time iterations
ofstream ff("thermic.dat");
for(real t = 0; t < T; t += dt){
uold = u; //equivalent to u^{n-1} = u^n
ff << u(3., 0.5) << endl;
But if I comment out:
// + int1d(Th)(
// t
// )
I cannot compile. I also tried adding a t to the problem declaration and that also leads to compilation errors. How are you supposed to introduced parts of the problem that depend on time?
For example if I try adding $t$ to the problem declaration I get this error:
-- FreeFem++ v4.12 (Tue Dec 6 19:14:11 CET 2022 - git v4.12)
file : mycode.edp
Load: lg_fem lg_mesh lg_mesh3 eigenvalue
1 : // Parameters
2 : func u0 = 10. + 90.*x/6.;
3 : real ue = 25.;
4 : real alpha=0.25;
5 : real T=5.;
6 : real dt=0.1 ;
7 :
8 : // Define mesh boundary
9 : border C(t=-pi, pi){x=cos(t) -1/(1 + 4 * t * t); y=sin(t);}
10 :
11 : // The triangulated domain Th is on the left side of its boundary
12 : mesh Th = buildmesh(C(100));
13 :
14 : // Fespace
15 : fespace Vh(Th, P1);
16 : Vh u=u0, v, uold, t;
17 :
18 : // Problem
19 : problem pde(u, v, t)
Error line number 19, in file mycode.edp, before token )
Error in test or unkwon function (odd number of function)
current line = 19
Compile error : Error in test or unkwon function (odd number of function)
line number :19, )
error Compile error : Error in test or unkwon function (odd number of function)
line number :19, )
code = 1 mpirank: 0
All I get from this is that my syntax is wrong but it doesn't help me much to understand how to define the rhs/sin conditions.