I'm working on implementing the discretised Burger's equation. I am quite confused as to why it does not work when using a step-function and downwind difference formula. When using a step-function and downwind difference, Newton's method fails to converge.
Utilising downwind difference should provide results, as using upwind seemed to work. but I'm unable to identify where or why it's going wrong. I'm trying to run it with:
viscosity value
ν = 0.001
t = 0.01
grid size
h = 0.01
and final time
T = 1
The initial solution u(x, 0)
is taken as a unit step at x = 0.1
, boundary conditions as: u(0, t) = 1
and u(1, t) = 0
Would greatly appreciate insights into where I am going wrong.
I've provided a reproducible example: burgers_solve.py
This is how I'm implementing the discretised Burger's equation with downwind:
# Downwind
def fun_burgers(uk, ukp, dt, h, nu, ua, ub):
# ukp is previous time step solution
# dt is time-step t
# h is spatial grid size parameter
# nu is kinematic viscosity
m = ukp.size
# f to store values of the function for each point uk in space
f = np.zeros((m-2, 1))
# boundary conditions
uL = ua
uR = ub
# Left boubdary
f[0] = (uk[0] - ukp[1])/dt + uk[0] * (uk[1] - uk[0])/h - nu * (uk[1]-2*uk[0] + uL)/h**2
# Difference equations at each internal node
for i in range(1, m-3):
f[i] = (uk[i] - ukp[i+1])/dt + uk[i] * (uk[i+1] - uk[i])/h - nu * (uk[i+1] - 2*uk[i] + uk[i-1])/h**2
# Right boundary
f[m-3] = (uk[m-3] - ukp[m-2])/dt + uk[m-3] * (uR - uk[m-3])/h - nu * (uR - 2*uk[m-3] + uk[m-4])/h**2
return f