I have the following problem: $$\begin{align} \max & \quad \frac{\mu^\top x - c^\top|x - x_0|}{x^{\top}\Sigma x} \tag{1} \\ \text{subject to } & \quad x \leq \mathbb{1} \tag{2}\\ & \quad x \geq -\mathbb{1} \tag{3}\\ & \quad |x|_1 \leq 1 \tag{4} \end{align} $$ where $\Sigma$ is a covariance matrix, $x_0$ is a vector of constants, and $c_i > 0$ for all $i$.
Using linear fractional programming and relaxing constraint $(4)$, I converted the above problem minimization problem below, but I'm not sure if my treatment of $w_0$ is correct since it's inside an absolute value sign.
$$\begin{align} \min &\quad y^{\top}\Sigma y \tag{5}\\ \text{subject to } & \quad \mu^\top y - c^\top | y - w_0| = 1 \tag{6} \\ & \quad y \leq t \\ & \quad y \geq -t \\ \end{align} $$
Ignoring the absolute value in $(6)$, I can simplify to this
$$\begin{align} \min &\quad y^{\top}\Sigma y \\ \text{subject to } & \quad (\mu - c)^\top y + c^\top x_0 t = 1 \\ & \quad y \leq t \\ & \quad y \geq -t \\ \end{align} $$ This can be solved, but its solution has nothing to do with the original problem unfortunately.
In any case, I'm very new to quadratic / linear programming and I'm not sure if the problem is even solvable. I've been mostly using Cvxpy package to trying things. If it is solvable, I would appreciate any help I can get.