I am seeking recommendations on how to compute the Binder ratio numerically accurate when doing Monte Carlo simulation on spin models. Binder ratio is defined as:
$$ B = \frac{\langle M^4\rangle}{\langle M^2\rangle^2}. $$
Given a safe method to compute $M$ per metropolis sweep, one can get directly $M^2$ and $M^4$. If we take $N$ samples of these values, we can then get the average ones; $\langle M\rangle$, $\langle M^2\rangle$ and $\langle M^4\rangle$.
Then one can compute the Binder ratio. But near the critical temp, the results are not so precise. Am I having too much floating point error in $\langle M^2\rangle$ and $\langle M^4\rangle$?
An example of how the Binder ratio looks, it was a very short simulation. A proper simulation generates the very smooth curve, with little standard error, but the spike remains.
Edit: It is a parallel tempering simulation, it might be possible that the cause for the unexpected Binder Ratio could be related to measuring too early when replicas are not thermalized properly.