There is a simple extension of trapezoid rule to 2d. In 1d, if you have the interval $[0,1]$, the rule takes the linear interpolant
$$ l(x) = f(0)(1-x) + f(1)x, $$
and integrates it to get
$$ \int_0^1 l(x) = \tfrac12 f(0) + \tfrac12 f(1). $$
To integrate over a large interval, you then sum up the contributions of the individual small intervals to get the usual trapezoid formula:
$$ h \big(\tfrac12 f(x_0) + f(x_1) + \cdots + f(x_{n-1}) + \tfrac12 f(x_n) \big). $$
In 2d, on the square $[0,1]^2$, you can interpolate the function linearly on the bottom edge $y=0$, and separately on the top edge $y=1$, and then interpolate linearly between the two linear interpolants:
$$ l_0(x) = f(0,0)(1-x)+f(1,0)x, \qquad l_1(x) = f(0,1)(1-x)+f(1,1)x, $$
$$ l(x,y) = l_0(x)(1-y) + l_1(x)y. $$
The resulting interpolant is a linear combination of elementary interpolants on the square $[0,1]^2$, with coefficients being the function values, and the elementary interpolants look like this:
where the elementary interpolants are the coefficients of the function values $f(x,y)$ in the interpolant constructed from them:
$$ l(x,y) = f(0,0)(1-x)(1-y) + f(1,0)x(1-y) + f(0,1) (1-x)y + f(1,1)xy, $$
so of the four functions $xy$, $x(1-y)$, $(1-x)y$ and $(1-x)(1-y)$.
The integral of $l(x,y)$ will be
$$ \int_{[0,1]^2}l(x,y)\,dx\,dy = \tfrac14\big( f(0,0)+f(0,1)+f(1,0)+f(1,1) \big). $$
Summing up these contributions over small intervals would then give
$$ \frac{h^2}{4}\sum_{j,k} w_{j,k} f(x_j, y_k) $$
where $w_{j,k}$ is an integer that counts how many squares the point $(x_j,y_k)$ belongs to: one in the corners, two on the edges, four in the middle.