I'm currently reading this paper, and I'm a bit confused about how they compute the accuracy of their algorithm.
In the aforementioned paper, they investigate the regularized long-wave equation: $$ u_t + u_x + u u_x - u_{xxt} = 0 \tag{1} $$ They discretize the grid by spacing $h$ and time step $\tau$, giving the grid point $(ih,m \tau)$, where $i=0,1,2,\ldots$ and $m=0,1,2,\ldots$. For brevity, they use the notation: $u_i{}^m \equiv u(ih,m \tau)$. Furthermore, they introduce the well-known finite difference operators: $$ \delta_x{}^2 w_i{}^m = \frac{w_{i+1}^m - 2w_i{}^m + w_{i-1}^m}{h^2} $$ $$ H_x w_i{}^m = \frac{w_{i+1}^m - w_{i-1}^m}{2h} $$ $$ \Delta_t w_i{}^m = \frac{w_i^{m+1} - w_i{}^m}{\tau} $$ Then they discuss the following scheme to solve equation (1): $$ \Delta_t (1- \delta_x{}^2) w_i{}^m + \frac{1}{2}H_x(w_i{}^{m+1} + w_i{}^{m}) + \frac{1}{2} w_i{}^m H_x(w_i{}^{m+1} + w_i{}^{m}) = 0 \tag{2} $$ Up until here I understand everything, but then they go on and discuss the accuracy of this scheme:
To find the order of accuracy of the scheme, $w$ is replaced by $u$ in equation (2), where $u$ is a solution of equation (1) [...] Thus expanding all the terms about $(i,m+\frac{1}{2})$ shows that the first term approximates $u_t |_i^{m+(1/2)}$ and $u_{xxt}|_i^{m+(1/2)}$ with errors involving $\tau^2$ and $h^2$.
I don't really understand what the authors are doing here. I don't know what they mean with expanding the terms about $(i,m+\frac{1}{2})$.
The way I learned this is that, for instance, the term $\Delta_t w_i{}^m$ is using a forward difference approximation, and so the truncation error will be $O(\Delta t)$. Can anyone explain what they are doing, or give me a link to some note or books that explain what they are doing?