I have to make a coordinates transformation between two reference systems (axes). For that, three matrices ($3\times3$) have to be multiplied due to some intermediate axes being used. I have thought about two approaches to resolve this:
Method #1: Making the multiplication directly, that is, $$v_f = R_1\ R_2\ R_3\ v_i$$
Method #2: Split into steps:
- $v_{3i} = R_3\ v_i$
- $v_{23} = R_2\ v_{3i}$
- $v_f = R_1\ v_{23}$
$R_1$, $R_2$ and $R_3$ are $3\times3$ matrices
$v_f$,$v_i$, $v_{3i}$, $v_{23}$ are $3\times1$ vectors
I would like to know what method is more efficient computationally (less time) to do the transformation (this will be made a lot of times).