I am trying to solve a singular linear least square problem:
$$minimize: \phantom{2} ||Ax-b||^2 \\ subject \phantom{2} to: \phantom{2} x \ge 0$$
Here $ A \in R^{n \times m} $, and $ n\lt m$. here m is a very large number and the matrix $A$ is dense and almost full.
The least square solution for this is equivalent to solve (maybe not equivalent due to the constraints, just to show the reasoning):
$$ A^TAx=A^Tb,\phantom{2} x \ge 0 \phantom{,,,} (*)$$
but here $A^TA$ is singular because $ n\lt m$. So my question ends up how to solve the above constrained singular linear system.
The only idea I came up with is using SVD like the following:
$$ A^TA=VSV^T=[V_1 \phantom{,,} V_2] \begin{bmatrix} S_{11} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} V_1^T \\ V_2^T \\ \end{bmatrix} =V_1S_{11}V_1^T$$ then setting $ x=V_1z $ leads to $ z=V_1^Tx $, and solving $(*)$ equals to solving $$S_{11}z=V_1^TA^Tb, \phantom{,} V_1z \ge0$$ which can be reformulated as, $$minimize: \phantom{2} \frac{1}{2}z^TS_{11}z-b^TAV_1z \\ subject \phantom{2} to: \phantom{2} V_1z \ge 0$$
However, unfortunately, because the matrix $A$ is large and dense, doing SVD needs large memory and is slow. When doing this using MATLAB it prompted me saying "out of memory". Is there any other more efficient way to solve this singular least square problem?
P.S. Is it possible there is no solution to the reformulated minimization problem? I know the objective function is convex since $S_{11}$ is positive definite, and of course the linear constraints are convex. But is it possible the it is infeasible, that the linear constraints might contradict with each other?