I'm currently working with this kind of mesh (AMR) :
To compute the gradient at the center of the cell P, I use the following formula : $$\nabla \phi_P = \frac{1}{\Omega} \sum_{faces} \phi_f \vec{S_f}$$ where $\Omega$ is the volume of the cell and $\phi_f$ is the approximation of the flux on the interface between cell P and its neighbor. The simplest choice for computing $\phi_f$ is to take the average of the cell-centred variables : $$\phi_f = \frac{1}{2}(\phi_P + \phi_N) ~~~~(1)$$.
However I am wondering if this approximation of $\phi_f$ can be applied in my example above. I read here that the arithmetic average works only for constant mesh size. For non conform grid like mine, it suggests to take a weighting factor depending on the geometry : $$\phi_f = \alpha \phi_P + (1-\alpha) \phi_N$$ where : $$\alpha = \frac{\vec{r_N}-\vec{r_f}}{\vec{r_N}-\vec{r_P}}$$
That said, it makes sense to me. Then, my question is : do I make a huge mistake by considering an arithmetic average ? If I have correctly understood, the correct approximation would be, in my case ($\alpha = \frac{1}{3}$) : $$ \phi_f = \frac{1}{3} \phi_P + \frac{2}{3} \phi_N~~~~(2)$$ The solver is stable though, but do you think I lose accuracy with (1) instead of (2) ?