I have a following problem : I want to transform a function $g(\omega) \exp(i C \omega^2)$. $g(\omega)$ is real and limited. It changes slowly compered to $\exp(i C \omega^2)$. I have a black box that I can ask for the values of that function at any specific point in frequency domain. I want to get $g(\omega) \exp(i C \omega^2)$ representation in time domain. If I try to apply a uniform DFT then (if I understand DFT correctly) I have to sample my $g(\omega)$ with sampling frequency that correspond to the highest frequency of $\exp(i C \omega^2)$. And that would be $C \omega_{max}$ where $\omega_{max}$ is the largest $\omega$ for which $g(\omega)$ is non-zero.
Unfortunately doing it like that requires too much memory since $C$ is extremely large. I calculated that sampling would required $\approx 10^{14}$ points. I have no idea how to proceed. Would NUFFT-II be better then FFT?