I was reading a paper on arXiv where, in Section 2.4, the authors are discussing the error that arises in the solution of a linear system $$Ax = b,$$ or, to match up better with the paper, $$\Phi \alpha = u,$$ due to machine precision. The system is overdetermined so they solve it with least squares.
To make a long story short, they state that large coefficients will lead to severe round-off errors that hamper the convergence of a numerical method...
Now for the details. I will write the problem in a general form for clarity. Let $M>N$ and let $\varepsilon_\text{mach} \approx 10^{-16}$ represent machine precision.
They have a system matrix $\Phi=(\phi_{i,j}) \in \mathbb{R}^{M\times N}$, a coefficients vector $\alpha = (\alpha_1,\dots, \alpha_N) \in \mathbb{R}^N$ and an input vector $u^{(N)} = (u_1,\dots, u_M)\in \mathbb{R}^M$, giving the linear system: $$ \sum_{j=1}^N \alpha_j \phi_{i,j} = u_i. $$
The vector $u^{(N)}$ is a numerical approximation of a continuous function $u$, see equation (2) in the paper. They are interested in the convergence of $u^{(N)}$ to $u$ as $N$ increases.
In Section 2.4 they say that because the elements of the system matrix are of $O(1)$, each coefficient $\alpha_j$ will result in round-off errors of approximately $\varepsilon_\text{mach} \alpha_j$ in the numerical approximation $u^{(N)}$. Thus the total error in $u^{(N)}$ due to machine precision is of order $\varepsilon_\text{mach}||\alpha||_{l^2}$.
They say this machine precision error places a limit on the achievable minimimum error of the numerical method. That is, as $N$ is increased eventually the approximation error $t(\alpha) = ||u-u^{(N)}||$ will decrease to approximately $\varepsilon_\text{mach}||\alpha||_{l^2}$ and then stop decreasing.
Thus if the norm of the coefficients $||\alpha||_{l^2}$ is very large this halting of convergence will happen very quickly and really impact the performance of the numerical method.
I get the overall idea but what I don't understand is how they can say that:
...because the elements of the system matrix are of $O(1)$, each coefficient $\alpha_j$ will result in round-off errors of approximately $\varepsilon_\text{mach} \alpha_j$ in the numerical approximation $u^{(N)}$.
Can this statement that the round-off errors are of size $\varepsilon_\text{mach} \alpha_j$ be proven? Even a rough proof? And/or, is it possible to show a simple explicit example that demonstrates that the round-off errors are indeed of this size?
I have spent several hours searching for further information on this, but although I have found many papers/books/documents, that state that large coefficients lead to round-off errors, I have not seen anything that proves or at least gives a detailed explanation that the size of the error due to each coefficient is of $\varepsilon_\text{mach} \alpha_j$?!