I have a question regarding the condition number of two different perturbation matrices. To start with let $A$ be a spd matrix with elements defined by $a_{i,j} = \int\limits_{\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^d} \nabla \varphi_i\cdot \nabla\varphi_j \,d\Omega$ arising in Finite Element Methods with $\varphi_i$ basis functions of the approximation space. Furthermore let $cond_2(A)$ be the condition number of $A$.
My first question is regarding the numerical integration of the matrix elements and how do they affect the condition number. My Idea was to write $\tilde A = A + E$ where the elements of $E$ illustrate the error between the numerical integration and the exact integration. Is there any way to give a inequality relation between $cond_2(\tilde{A})$ and $cond_2(A)$?
My second question is about the limit inside the condition number. Assuming a matrix $E$ with elements $e_{i,j} = \int\limits_{\tilde{\Omega}\subset \mathbb{R}^d} \nabla \tilde{\varphi}_i\cdot \nabla\tilde{\varphi}_j \,d\Omega$ with $\tilde{\Omega}\cap\Omega = \emptyset$. How does the condition number reacts to limit of matrices i.e. does it hold that $cond_2(A + \lim_{\alpha\to 0} \alpha E) = cond_2(A)$ or is there any inequality relation between these two? I first tried to use $$ cond_2(A + \lim_{\alpha\to 0} \alpha E) \leq cond_2(A) + cond_2(\lim_{\alpha\to 0} \alpha E)$$ but I realized that the condition number of zero Matrix is defined as $\infty$. And therefore the inequality is useless.