Theoretic part
From the theory, in Electrostatics inside a real dielectric material between real conductors, in a simple 1D plane geometry between points $P1$ and $P2$, according to the current density continuity equation, when an inequality occurs between the flow of charges into a region and the flow of charges outside then charge accumulates in that region.
According to Gauss's law, a space charge field $E\rho$ can be associated to that charge distribution,
$\nabla(\epsilon \cdot \boldsymbol{E}\rho)=\rho$ ..... (Eq. 1)
Therefore, the electric field $Etot$ within the material, in the presence of space charge $\rho$ is given by the sum of two contributions: the space charge field $E\rho$ (generated by the existence of $\rho$) and the external field $E0$ (also called the Laplacian field, when $\rho = 0$), which is induced by the applied voltage (or electric potential difference at the boundaries):
$Etot = E\rho + E0$ ..... (Eq. 2)
* Formulas were adapted from the theory described in paragraph 5.1 (page 4/73) and paragraph 5.6 (page 22/73) of this link: HERE .
Conclusion: If one has a value for the $\rho(x)$ distribution and knows the $\epsilon$ (assume its constant) he can determine the electric field $E\rho$ from eq: $\nabla(\epsilon \cdot \boldsymbol{E}\rho)=\rho$ , as
$E\rho(p)=(\int_{P1}^{p}{\rho(x) dx})/\epsilon$ ..... (Eq. 3)
where $p$ is a point between $P1$ and $P2$.
If he finds out $E\rho$ and adds $E0$ to it, he can determine the total field $Etot$ (lets call it simply $E$), and then proceed to find out the electric potential distribution as
$V(p)=-(\int_{P1}^{p}{E(x) dx})$ (from $E = -\nabla V$ ) ..... (Eq. 4)
What I don't understand is: If you know the value for $\rho$ and $\epsilon$ then you automatically know the distribution of the electric field $E\rho$, or of the total field $Etot$?
-- think of it like this: if you know the value of $\rho$, then the contribution of the external field (the surface charge distributions at the boundaries) is/are already quantified inside of $\rho$? and the $E\rho$ term in (Eq. 1) is actually $Etot$ directly, so by solving (Eq. 3) I find directly the electric field of interest?.
Practical example: I have two different $\rho(x)$ distribution (Pastebin Data 1 and Pastebin Data 2) obtained for a material of 0.5 mm in length (from $P1$ at 0mm to $P2$ at 0.5mm), with $\epsilon$ = 2.85*$\epsilon0$, for an applied voltage of 5000 V
(at $P1$ the potential is $Vapp$ = 5000 and at $P2$ the potential is 0).
I note x0 as the first column from Pastebin Data 1
, y0 as second column from Pastebin Data 1
. Same for x60 and y60, from Pastebin Data 2
HOWEVER, things get a bit more complicated when I test this out, because I get different results when solving it numerically and via simulation. WHY? Attached results for $E$ can be found HERE.
A) Numerical testing in MATLAB
1. Some pre-loading of variables
data1 = importdata('data1.txt');
data2 = importdata('data2.txt');
x0 = data1(:,1);
y0 = data1(:,2);
x60 = data2(:,1);
y60 = data2(:,2);
Vapp = 5000;
P1 = 0;
P2 = 0.5e-3;
I can determine the Laplacian contribution to the field ($E0$) (the expected 10 MV/m) as:
E0 = Vapp/(P2-P1);
and the Laplacian potential as:
for k = 1:length(x0)
V0(k) = Vapp.*(x0(k)-P2)./(P1-P2);
For the 1st $\rho(x)$ distribution, I determine $E\rho$ with (Eq. 3) and then the potential $V$ numerically with (Eq. 4) where $E$ is just $E\rho$ (so no contribution of $E0$), between points $P1$ and $P2$. I check the potential on $P1$ and $P2$ and its 0 V and approx. -1900 V.
For the 2nd $\rho(x)$ distribution, I determine $E\rho$ and then the potential $V$ numerically in same conditions. I check the potential on $P1$ and $P2$ and its 0 V and approx. +1000 V.
Figures with the distribution of $\rho(x)$, $E\rho$ and $V$ are uploaded here. The code I used in Matlab is:
% to find out E
for k = 2:length(x0)
field0(k) = trapz(x0(1:k),y0(1:k))./(2.85.*8.854187e-12);
for k = 2:length(x60)
field60(k) = trapz(x60(1:k),y60(1:k))./(2.85.*8.854187e-12);
end% to find out V
for k = 2:length(x0)
voltage0(k) = -trapz(x0(1:k),field0(1:k));
for k = 2:length(x60)
voltage60(k) = -trapz(x60(1:k),field60(1:k));
To these two, I also have from above the $E0$ and $V0$.
B) Simulation testing in COMSOL
1. I assume 1D geometry and a domain from P1 (0) to P2 (0.5 mm) on $x$, representing material M that has, in Electrostatics, the constant relative permittivity of 2.85.
2. I then add in the physics a Space charge density
node as I have a distribution of $\rho(x)$ that I determined experimentally for that applied voltage of 5000 V.
(I can know $\rho$ by doing some experimental PEA measurements
and I can import the $\rho$ data as an Interpolation function
that varies with $x$.)
3. In COMSOL I now need to consider the boundaries. If I add a Floating potential
boundary at point $P1$ then the results I get in COMSOL are those for $E\rho$. If I add the Electric potential
boundary with the potential equal to 5000 V, I do get a solution for $E$ that is very similar to what I should get for $Etot$, with a mean electric field of 10 MV/m. But it always has a mean of 10 MV/m, so does this mean that the influence of $E\rho$ on $Etot$ is always 0, since the mean of $E\rho$ is always 0?
*1) If I add a Floating potential
boundary at point P1
If I add a
Floating potential
boundary at point P1 then the field distribution is the one obtained only from the term $E\rho$ from (Eq. 2), and is identical to the one computed numerically from $E\rho(x)=(\int_{P1}^{p}{\rho(x) dx})/\epsilon$ . However, its mean is not 10 MV/m and the potential is not 5000 V at point P1 (it can be whatever else). But the potential at the boundaries should be 5000 and 0 V for my case in order to have an exact/correct solution, no?
*2) If I add an Electric potential
boundary of V = 5000 V
If I add an Electric potential
boundary at point P1 (of V = 5000 V) then the field distribution is probably given by the term of $Etot$ from (Eq. 2).
So it is NO LONGER just $E\rho$ computed numerically above, BUT IT IS ALSO NOT $Etot$ from (Eq. 2), as $E0$ + $E\rho$ distributions (that were both computed numerically above).
The electric potential is fixed at 5000 and 0 V at the boundaries BUT IT IS NOT the sum $V0$ + $V$ (both were computed numerically above).
*3) The resulting figures for $E$ and $V$ from the simulations of *1) and *2) are uploaded here.
What I don't understand What I get in COMSOL appears to be correct, but it always have the mean of $E$ as the value of $E0$. Does this mean that the influence of $E\rho$ is zero? Also, why am I not able to get to similar results via the numerical approach? Not even if I add $E\rho$ and $E0$ to get to the $Etot$, still not same result as the one I get from *2).
Is there such a thing as what's described in (Eq. 2)? $Etot$ = $E\rho$ + $E0$ if I have a known $\rho$ distribution? Or by simply knowing $\rho$ I directly know $Etot$, since the contribution of $E0$ (the Laplacian contribution of the surface charges at the boundaries) is already included in $\rho$.
Why do I not get the same result when I solve the equation numerically and by simulation, if I know $\rho(x)$ and $\epsilon$ ? What more should I do to my numerical approach to yield the same results from *2) (the ones that I expect to have) and not those from *1) (the ones I actually get)? Even if I add the Laplacian contribution to my space charge contribution I still do not get the same. (SEE HERE.)
Are the results I got from *2) actually correct, considering that the mean of $E$ is always $E0$ no matter what $\rho$ distribution I add (so a different $E\rho$ but zero influence on $Etot$)?
Should I solve this numerically via another way (not via simple numerical integration with the trapezoidal rule)? I assumed that if I solve it via trapz then I'm not missing any extra constant of integration, but I am unsure now about the whole thing.