I want to evaluate the following integral:
$$\int_{0}^{60} \ \left(\int_{0}^{2z} 0.5\cdot t \left(\mathrm{erf}(t-a) -1 \right)J_{0}(qt)\mathrm{d}t \right)^2 \mathrm{exp}\left(-\frac{(z-a)^2}{2s^2}\right)\mathrm{d}z $$
Where a, q and s are constants.
Without the square outside the first integral, this can be easily evaluated using dblquad
from scipy
import math
from scipy.integrate import dblquad
from scipy.special import erf, jv
def h(t, z):
return f(t) * g(z)
def f(t):
return 0.5 * t * (erf(t - a) - 1) * jv(0, q * t)
def g(z):
return math.exp(-((z - a) ** 2)/(2 * (s ** 2)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
a, q, s = 0, 1, 2 # set the constants
result, abserr = dblquad(h, 0, 60, lambda z: 0, lambda z: 2 * z)
print(f'result: {result}, abserr: {abserr}')
I looked about the square of integrals, and as shown here square of integral is equivalent to double integral:
$$\left(\int_a^bf(x)\text{d}x\right)^2 = \int_a^b \int_a^b f(x) f(y) \text{d}x\text{d}y$$
This makes the problem more complicated as now I have to evaluate triple integral which makes evaluation slower. Is there any better way to tackle this problem? Any help would be highly appreciated.