I am modelling a problem that is "driven", not by typical boundary conditions but, by contractions in its interior.
In a finite element analysis, I can specify the new lengths (not displacement vectors) of a set, $\mathscr{S}$, of element edges. I do not know the final positions of the vertexes that make up edges in $\mathscr{S}$, just the lengths between the vertexes in the set.
Is there a finite element technique for dealing with such a problem?
The problem is characterized by clearly defined internal structures that shrink by a known amount. The geometry/definition of these internal structures can be identified in the discretization of the domain, which also has fixed boundary conditions.
The geometry of the the internal structure does not have an analytical description and the Physics that describes it's contraction is not relevant. Just that the structure undergoes a known reduction in size.
For example, what would be the nodal point displacements if the lengths of the edges AB and BC, in the above figure, were both halved?