I'm looking at solving systems with the FEM discretization $$ -\int_\Omega (\Delta u) v = \int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla v - \int_\Gamma (n\cdot\nabla u) v. $$ without applying Dirichlet- or Neumann-type boundary conditions. The resulting matrix is generally not self-adjoint (except in for 1D meshes).
The kernel consists of all linear functions over the domain, so there are always $n+1$ eigenvalues 0 (where $n$ is the dimensionality of the mesh).
The right-hand side is such that the system is consistent and I would like to find a solution of the system. The idea is to use GMRES, starting off with an all-zero initial guess.
Is there a good preconditioner for this known in literature? I played around with Dirichlet- and Neumann-Laplace without much success.
To get a feel, here's how to create the matrix and plot the spectrum in sckit-fem:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import meshzoo
import numpy as np
import skfem
from skfem.helpers import dot, grad
def laplace(u, v, _):
return dot(grad(u), grad(v))
def flux(u, v, w):
return dot(w.n, u.grad) * v
points, cells = meshzoo.disk(6, 20)
pT = np.ascontiguousarray(points.T)
cT = np.ascontiguousarray(cells.T)
mesh = skfem.MeshTri(pT, cT)
element = skfem.ElementTriP1()
basis = skfem.CellBasis(mesh, element)
facet_basis = skfem.FacetBasis(basis.mesh, basis.elem)
lap = skfem.asm(laplace, basis)
boundary_terms = skfem.asm(flux, facet_basis)
A = lap - boundary_terms
out = np.linalg.eigvals(A.toarray())
plt.plot(out.real, out.imag, "o")
plt.savefig("out.png", bbox_inches="tight")