I have a system of PDEs constituting an initial value problem (IVP) consisting of three coupled PDEs:
\partial_t \rho + \partial_x(\rho v) &= \left(k_A (1-\phi) + k_B \phi \right)\rho\ \\
\partial_t \phi + v \partial_x{\phi} &= D \partial^2_x \phi + D \frac{\partial_x \rho \partial_x \phi}{\rho} + \left(k_B - k_A \right) \phi(1-\phi) + k_D (1-\phi) \\
\eta \nabla^2 v - \gamma v &= E \frac{1}{\rho} \partial_x \rho
E &= \left( E_A + (E_B - E_A) \phi \right) \rho \\
k_D (1-\phi) &= \alpha (E_B - E_A) \phi(1 - \phi) \\
k_i(\rho) &= \frac{1}{\tau} \frac{\rho^c_i-\rho}{\rho^c_i} \hspace{2cm} \text{(i=A, B)},
and the rest of the variables are constants.
The equations come from continuum mechanics applied to biological tissues, in this case composed of two different cell types A and B. The unknown variables to solve for are $\rho(x, t), \phi(x,t)$ and $v(x,t)$. $\rho$ represents a density field, $0 \leq \phi \leq 1$ represents a fraction of cells belonging one of the two cell types and $v$ is the velocity of the medium. $k_A, k_B, k_D$ are reaction rates, $D$ is a diffusion constant, and $\eta, \gamma, E$ are material constants. $\rho_i^{c}$ represents a homeostatic density and $\alpha, \tau$ are proportionality constants.
I take Dirichlet boundary conditions for all variables, $\rho(x=-L) = \rho(x=L) = \rho_0$, $\phi(x=-L) \approx 1, \phi(x=L) \approx 0$ (such that it is consistent with $\phi(x, t=0)$) and $V(x=-L)=v(x=L)=0$. Initial conditions are $\rho(x, t=0)= \rho_0$, $\phi(x, t=0)$ is a sigmoid function going from 1 to 0 and $V(x, t=0)=0$.
I've been looking into some high-level methods to solve this IVP, but none of them work well enough. The best so far has been Mathematica (link to mathematica.stackexchange post), which works to some extent. However, the solutions are highly unstable. For some parameters I get a nice solution, but when I change some parameters Mathematica gets stuck in some infinite loop and never finishes the computation.
Now I'm learning a finite element solver (https://fenicsproject.org/), but I'm not even sure whether in principle this system can be solved using finite elements. Could someone confirm whether this is the right approach?
Or should I be looking at a more low-level approach and program the numerics myself?
My guess is that some methods for solving the Navier-Stokes equations or those for elasticity might also be applicable here, but I'm totally inexperienced with numerically solving PDEs so correct me if I'm wrong.