I need to ask a question about partial derivatives. I want to solve this equation (steady state, one dimensional continuity equation): $$\frac{\partial (\rho u)}{\partial z}=0$$ which is equivalent to: $$\rho\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}+u\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial z}=0$$ and discretized by means of finite differences: $$\rho_i\frac{(u_i-u_{i-1})}{\delta z}+u_i\frac{(\rho_i-\rho_{i-1})}{\delta z}=0$$ along with initial conditions like: $$z=0 \quad \rho_i=\rho_0 \quad , \quad u_i=u_0$$
My questions are: Does this equation has one unique solution? I mean one could increase $u$ and decrease $\rho$ (or the other way around) and have infinite solutions right?
In this case this equation can describe the conservation of the quantity $(\rho u)$. What about the conservation or $u$ or $\rho$?
If I could calculate the $\rho$ (density) variable through lets say an equation of state (like $PV=nRT$) which would be variable in $z$ direction can i rewrite the first equation like:
$$\rho\frac{\partial u}{\partial z}=0$$
$$\rho_i\frac{(u_i-u_{i-1})}{\delta z}=0$$
which do have one unique solution.
Just to let you know of my intention, I eventually want to solve a set of PDEs: $$\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} +\frac{\partial (\rho u)}{\partial z}=0$$ $$\frac{\partial C_i}{\partial t} +\frac{\partial (u C_i)}{\partial z}=Reactionrate$$ $$\rho=MW_{mean}\frac{P}{RgT}, MW_{mean}=\sum^{N_{comp}}_{i=1}(Y_i*mw_i), Y_i=\frac{C_i}{\sum^{N_{comp}}_{i=1}{C_i}}$$