So I have this code where I am designing a hollow hemispherical shape and I want to create a 3D volume to input it into FEBio software.
I am using delaunay triangulation for meshing. But the problem is when I rotate to see the bottom, I am seeing is that there are triangles there of this 3D model as shown below
How do I remove these triangles that are connected at the bottom? I want to triangles only on the surface of the inner and outer hemispheres and between them.
outerRadius = 7.8; % Outer radius of the hemisphere
innerRadius = 7.3; % Inner radius of the hollow region
theta = linspace(0, pi/2, 100);
phi = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
[THETA, PHI] = meshgrid(theta, phi);
% Calculate the coordinates for the outer hemisphere
X_outer = outerRadius * cos(PHI) .* sin(THETA);
Y_outer = outerRadius * sin(PHI) .* sin(THETA);
Z_outer = outerRadius * cos(THETA);
% Calculate the coordinates for the inner hemisphere
X_inner = innerRadius * cos(PHI) .* sin(THETA);
Y_inner = innerRadius * sin(PHI) .* sin(THETA);
Z_inner = innerRadius * cos(THETA);
X = [X_outer(:); X_inner(:)];
Y = [Y_outer(:); Y_inner(:)];
Z = [Z_outer(:); Z_inner(:)];
% Combine the coordinates of the outer and inner hemispheres
points = [X, Y, Z];
% Remove duplicate points
[~, uniqueIndices, ~] = unique(points, 'rows', 'stable');
points = points(uniqueIndices, :);
% Separate the updated coordinates
X = points(:, 1);
Y = points(:, 2);
Z = points(:, 3);
% Generate the triangulated mesh
tri = delaunay(X, Y, Z);
% Plot the mesh
figure; set(gcf,'WindowState','maximized');
trimesh(tri, X, Y, Z);
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); zlabel('Z');
title('Triangulated Mesh');