I'm studying the discontinuous Galerkin method at the moment, but there is one point I do not understand. It's the naming of the matrices. If we for example have a simple advection PDE $$\partial_t \phi(x, t)+\partial_x f(\phi(x, t))=0 \tag {1}$$ with $$f(\phi) = \phi (x,t)$$ and we approximate the solution with basis functions $v_i$ and coefficients $\tilde \phi (t) _i$ as: $$\phi^h(x, t)=\sum_{i=0}^N \tilde{\phi}_i(t) v_i(x).$$ After writing eq.(1) in the weak form, one defines the following matrices.
Mass Matrix:$$M_{ij}= \int dx \, v_i(x) v_j(x)$$
Stiffness Matrix: $$K_{ij}= \int dx \, v_i(x) v_j^\prime(x).$$
My question is, why are these matrices named this way. Is there a physical interpretation?