I very much doubt that such a closed form solution exists. Certainly, if one can be found, it needs to make use of the fact that what you have is a linear combination of functions of the form $\gamma_1(x_T-y)^2 + \gamma_2 |x_T-y|$ which is certainly a nice function to have.
However, the solution of your problem is not continuous with respect to the parameters $a_{1/2},b_{i1/2}$. You can already see that if, for a moment, you neglect the quadratic terms (i.e., $a_1=b_{i1}=0$) and consider the case $M=1$. In that case, you add two absolute value functions, i.e.,
f(x_T) = a_1 |x_T-x_0| + b_{11} |x_T-l_1|
It is easy to see that if $a_1>b_{11}$ then the minimum is at $x_T=x_0$ whereas for $a_1<b_{11}$ the minimum is at $x_T=l_1$. For $a_1=b_{11}$, every point between $x_0$ and $l_1$ is a the minimum.
This example already shows that even a simplified case is not easy to solve. It's only going to get worse if you add more parameters to the problem.
(As an aside: One might speculate that one of the points $x_0, l_i$ is in fact the minimum, given the form of the terms you add up. However, I believe that it would be simple to give a counter-example for which this is not true. But, even if it was, the question which of these finitely many points is the minimum clearly depends on the relative sizes of all of your coefficients and, as the example above shows, it's not going to be a simple decision.)