Usually one would consult a paper or book to find integration points and weights for unit triangle and tetrahedra. I am looking for a method to automatically compute such points and weights. The following Mathematica code example computes integration weights and points for unit line (quad/hexahedron) elements:
unitGaussianQuadraturePoints[points_] :=
Sort[x /.
Solve[Evaluate[LegendreP[points, x] == 0], {x}], !
OrderedQ[N[{#1, #2}]] &];
unitGaussianQuadratureWeights[points_] :=
Module[{gps, f, int, integr, vars, eqns},
gps = unitGaussianQuadraturePoints[points];
f[0, 0] := 1;
f[0., 0] := 1.;
f[x_, n_] := x^n;
int = Integrate[f[x, #], x] & /@ Range[0, points - 1];
integr = Subtract @@@ (int /. x :> {1, -1});
vars = Table[Unique[c], {Length[gps]}];
eqns =
Table[Plus @@ Thread[Times[vars, f[#, i - 1] & /@ gps]] ==
integr[[i]], {i, points}];
Return[(vars /. Solve[eqns, vars])];];
{{1, 1}}
{1/Sqrt[3], -(1/Sqrt[3])}
I am looking for a paper/book that describes algorithmically how this is done for triangles and/or tetrahedra. Can someone point me to some information about this. Thanks.
{points, weights} = MapThread[Map, {{2 # - 1 &, 2 # &}, Most[NIntegrate`GaussRuleData[n, prec]]}]
. $\endgroup$Transpose[MapAt[2(First /@ #)^2 &, Eigensystem[SparseArray[{Band[{2, 1}] -> #, Band[{1, 2}] -> #}, {n, n}]], {2}]] &[Table[k/Sqrt[(2 k - 1)(2 k + 1)], {k, n - 1}]]
. $\endgroup$