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Is it Grid/Cluster/Cloud Computing? How are those terms defined?

There are three very connected and widely used terms: Grid and grid computing Cluster and cluster computing Cloud and cloud computing In many situations, it is not obvious which term to use, as I ...
Anton Menshov's user avatar
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Leveraging scipy for matrix free finite elements

This will be a very general question. I have a 3D finite element code in Python which I would like to extend to handle "large" problems (~10^8 unknowns in the global system). Right now I am using the ...
user3482876's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Difference between Nodes and CPUs when running software on a cluster?

I'm looking into moving some computations of mine to a data center to get more computation power. In the context of this process, I am getting confused by the differentiation of a computation node and ...
seb's user avatar
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